Results Aew Dark
- The November 10, 2020 Edition of AEW Dark was a Professional wrestling event of AEW which took place at Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida. 1 Results 2 Other on-screen talent 3 Image Gallery 4 External links Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.
- The November 10, 2020 Edition of AEW Dark was a Professional wrestling event of AEW which took place at Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida. 1 Results 2 Other on-screen talent 3 Image Gallery 4 External links Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match. (c) refers to the.
- Jan 27, 2021 Here are the results for this week’s edition of AEW Dark for this week: Miro defeated Fuego Del Sol by submission. Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy) defeated Aaron Solow and Lee Johnson by submission. SCU defeated Terrence and Terrell Hughes by pinfall.
- Results; AEW Dark Results for January 19, 2021 Matches. Anthony Mango-January 19, 2021. Here are the results for this week’s edition of AEW Dark for this week.
- Aew After Dark
- Results Aew Dark Match
- Aew Dark Results 2020
- Aew Ortiz
- Aew Dark Results 2019
- Aew Dark Wrestling
- List Of Aew Talent
Welcome to Wrestling Inc’s recap of AEW Dark, which airs every Tuesday at 7 PM EST on AEW’s YouTube Channel. Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight’s show in the comments section below. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up to date coverage. Below is what’s on tonight’s agenda:
TONIGHT on #AEWDark, we have a loaded card with twelve matches featuring returning athletes, debuts, and much more!?
Watch #AEW Dark Tuesday at 7e/6c via our Official YouTube Channel ??
? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 12, 2021
Excalibur welcomes us to the show along with Taz and Anthony Ogogo. They take it to Justin Roberts who announces our first match.
AEW Dark Live Results and Updates. AEW Dark is a show from All Elite Wrestling which will feature the dark matches taped before and after AEW Dynamite TV tapings over various episodes. The series is available to watch for free on All Elite Wrestling YouTube page. A new episode is added every Tuesday at 7 PM EST.
Ricky Starks (w/Hook) vs. Mike Verna
Hot start for @starkmanjones!#AEWDark#AEW
? Javier DraVen ?? #RIPBrodieLee (@WrestlingCovers) January 13, 2021
Verna catches Starks with a few quick strikes. Starks quickly takes control by throwing Verna into the corner and hitting a single leg dropkick. Starks wearing down Verna as he plays to the camera. Starks continuing to lay it onto Verna with a flurry of strikes. Verna tries to fight back, but Starks hits a snap suplex. Verna starts building momentum ending with a powerslam, cover, but Starks kicks out at two. Starks escapes from the fireman’s carry and catches Verna with a spear for the win.
Winner: Ricky Starks
Jurassic Express in action next!
Fuego Del Sol & Ryzin vs. Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) (w/Marko Stunt)
Fuego Del Sol and Jungle Boy start things off quickly trading flash pins and dropkicks. Ryzin tags himself in the match not impressed by Del Sol’s athleticism. Jungle Boy catches Ryzin in an arm drag and tags in Luchasuarus who knocks Ryzin down with a big boot. Ryzin tries to stand strong, but Luchasaurus knocks him down quickly. Jurassic Express cutting the ring in half as Ryzin does more showboating and yells “no chance!” when Del Sol offers to tag in.
Tables turned on Fuego!@boy_myth_legend#AEWDark#AEW
Aew After Dark
? Javier DraVen ?? #RIPBrodieLee (@WrestlingCovers) January 13, 2021
Ryzin tries to slow the pace down as he continues to not tag in Del Sol. He tries for a second-rope moonsault and misses. Del Sol tags himself in, but Jungle Boy hits a huge clothesline! Luchasuarus tags in and goes to work on Del Sol and Ryzin. Jurassic Express try for their assisted powerbomb finisher, but Del Sol and Ryzin work together to thwart them. Luchasaurus gets taken into the outside, and Del Sol hits a poisonrana on Jungle Boy! Cover, 1-2-no! Del Sol tries for a tope, but Luchasaurus cuts him off. Jurassic Express hit their assisted powerbomb. Ryzin gets taken out by Luchasaurus as Jungle Boy as Del Sol in the snare trap for the submission victory.
Winners: Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus)
Tay Conti hopes to build momentum before her huge title match tomorrow next!
Tay Conti (w/Anna Jay) vs. Marti Daniels
Conti with the quick roll-up to start as she throws Daniels all over the ring following up with a huge kick to the chest. Daniels catches Conti with a strike and throws her down. Daniels misses a pump kick allowing Conti to get Daniels in a kneebar as Daniels is hanging on the ropes. Daniels is not backing down but neither is Conti as she meets her strike for strike and hits a series of clotheslines followed up by a suplex. Conti leaps off the middle rope and hits a high knee. TayKO gives Conti the win.
Kiss of death. ??@TayConti_#AEWDark#AEW
? Javier DraVen ?? #RIPBrodieLee (@WrestlingCovers) January 13, 2021
Winner: Tay Conti
Dark Order are in 10-man tag team action next!
Adam Priest, Danny Limelight, Shawn Dean, Vary Morales & Zack Clayton vs. Dark Order (Colt Cabana, Evil Uno, Five, Stu Grayson & Ten)
Stu Grayson and Adam Priest start things off quickly as Priest counters quickly after Grayson hits a few strikes on him. Grayson answers back with a diving cross chop as Alan Angels and Zack Clayton tag in. Angels knocking Clayton down, but Clayton hits a big clothesline to flip Angels over. Angels uses his speed to knock Clayton down with a shotgun dropkick. He knocks out Vary Morales with a dropkick as Preston Vance tags in, and they hit a double-team move on Morales. Vance using his power, but Morales countering with his speed and mocks Dark Order.
5?? and ?? dominating!@Alan_V_Angels@Pres10Vance#AEWDark#AEW
? Javier DraVen ?? #RIPBrodieLee (@WrestlingCovers) January 13, 2021
Vance counters a cazadora with a release German Suplex and tags in Evil Uno. Uno hits a butterfly suplex as Colt Cabana tags in. Cabana with a punch to the gut and swinging neckbreaker as Cabana gets fired up. Morales catches Cabana with a step-up enzuguri as he’s able to tag in Danny Limelight who takes out a few Dark Order members, but Evil Uno blind tags in and catches Limelight into a German suplex. Dark Order now cutting the ring in half again on Limelight.
You get by with a little help from @EvilUno.#AEWDark#AEW@stu_dos
? Javier DraVen ?? #RIPBrodieLee (@WrestlingCovers) January 13, 2021
Angels and Limelight trading strikes in the corner as Angels hits a suplex, but Limelight kicks out at two. Some confusion over who’s legal gives Limelight an opening, but Uno halts his momentum with a neckbreaker. Angels holds off Limelight from tagging out, but Limelight fights his way out and hits an exploder suplex. Shawn Dean tags in and takes out Dark Order. Dean hits corner dropkicks on Grayson and Uno then a cannonball on Grayson followed up by a DDT on angels. Grayson flips his way into a backflip kick. Chaos in the ring as everyone charges in. Priest is left alone as everyone in Dark Order gets their shots in as Uno and Grayson hit Nightfall for the win.
Winners: Dark Order (Colt Cabana, Evil Uno, Five, Stu Grayson & Ten)
Powerhouse Hobbs in action next!
Louie Valle vs. Powerhouse Hobbs (w/Hook)
Hobbs takes advantage of a momentary distraction to crush Valle into the corner. Hobbs sends Valle across with a biel. Hobbs locks in a bear hug as Valle is busted open. Hobbs sends Valle into the outside as Hook stalks Valle on the outside and drops him with a judo throw. Hobbs drops Valle with a World’s Strongest Slam for the win.
Louie Valle never had a chance.@TrueWillieHobbs#AEWDark#AEW
? Javier DraVen ?? #RIPBrodieLee (@WrestlingCovers) January 13, 2021
Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs
– Post-match: Hobbs drops Valle again with a slam as he and Hook walk out.
Women’s action coming up!
Leva Bates vs. Red Velvet
Velvet and Bates share respect before they lock up and trade holds. Velvet has a hammerlock applied and rolls into a sunset flip as the two trade roll-ups. Bates hits a swinging neckbreaker then a northern lights suplex, but Velvet kicks out at two each time. Bates knocks Velvet down with a shoulder tackle, but Velvet answers back with a dropkick, cover, but Bates kicks out at two. Velvet drags her boot onto Bates in the corner.
Bates counters Velvet in the corner and gets a huge double knees in the corner, cover, but Velvet kicks out again. Velvet catches the superkick. Bates gets Velvet in a split then hits another thrust kick, cover, and Velvet kicks out again. Velvet gets a scissor kick on Bates’ back. Bates catches Velvet in a fireman’s carry. Velvet counters with a Russian leg sweep then a Claymore kick for the win.
Winner: Red Velvet
Dark Order in tag team action next!
El Australiano & KC Navarro vs. Alex Reynolds & John Silver
Alex Reynolds and El Australiano start things off as Scorpio Sky joins commentary. Australiano uses his quickness to get the better of Reynolds. Reynolds shows off his athleticism getting Australiano in a quick cover then a dropkick to knock Australiano out of the ring. KC Navarro and John Silver tag in as Navarro tries to flex in front of Silver. Silver knocks him down and flexes his muscles. Navarro flips over Silver and tries to brag about how jacked he is, but Silver knocks him down with a high kick.
@SilverNumber1 sending Navarro SKY HIGH!??#AEWDark#AEW
? Javier DraVen ?? #RIPBrodieLee (@WrestlingCovers) January 13, 2021
Silver with a huge biel as Reynolds tags in. An assisted cutter, cover, but Australiano comes in to break up the pin. Silver tags back in as they cut the ring in half. Silver with gets Navarro up high in the air with the back body drop! Navarro evades Dark Order to tag in Australiano. Australiano maneuvers his way into sky twister. Navarro assists Australiano to hit the springboard moonsault on the outside. Navarro hits a tope suicida on Silver. Navarros gets crushed by Silver and Reynolds, and Silver takes out Navarro with a spinning backbreaker. Reynolds with a spinning fisherman’s buster for the win.
@SilverNumber1 and @YTAlexReynolds! ??
That’s it, that’s the tweet.#AEWDark#AEW
? Javier DraVen ?? #RIPBrodieLee (@WrestlingCovers) January 13, 2021
Winners: Alex Reynolds & John Silver
More tag team action next!
– “Pretty” Peter Avalon comes out as he joins commentary next.
Aaron Solow & Lee Johnson vs. The Varsity Blondes (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison)
Brian Pillman Jr. and Lee Johnson start things off with a strong lock up as Avalon can’t get enough of Johnson. Pillman and Johnson trade holds fighting for position. Pillman knocks Johnson down with a shoulder tackle as they go back and forth. Johnson misses a dropkick but kips up right away. Aaron Solow and Griff Garrison tag in. Varsity Blondes try to catch Solow off guard, but Solow hits a thrust kick on Pillman as he goes to work on Garrison.
Garrison counters and hits a huge splash in the corner followed up by a falcoln arrow. Pillman tags in as Varsity Blondes hit a double-team move, cover, but Solow kicks out. Pillman wrenching Solow wearing him down. Varsity Blondes maintain control, but Solow fights out of the corner and tags in Johnson who sends Garrison to the outside and hits a tope suicida on The Varsity Blondes! Johnson hits a springboard dropkick and gets fired up. Solow and Johnson with an assisted neckbreaker, cover, 1-2-no! Pillman takes Johnson out with a thrust kick. Solow gets knocked out by a rolling elbow from Garrison leading to a top rope dropkick / powerbomb combo for the win.
Winners: The Varsity Blondes (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison)
– Post-match: Avalon makes his way towards Johnson looking to “gift” him an 8 x 10. Johnson accepts it but leaves with a puzzeled look.
Anna Jay in action next!
Alex Gracia vs. Anna Jay (w/Tay Conti)
Alex Gracia gets off a quick arm drag, but Anna Jay answers back move for move. Jay lays in some elbows and hits a spinning heel kick. Jay knocks Gracia down and hits a flipping neckbreaker. Jay Kick knocks Gracia down. Jay with another kick in the corner then another rolling kick. Gracia knocks Jay away, but Jay has Queen Slayer locked in as Gracia quickly taps out.
Winner: Anna Jay
NWA Women’s World Champion Serena Deeb in action next!
Serena Deeb vs. Tesha Price
A strong lock-up to start off, but Deeb gets the better of Price to start off locking in the front headlock. Deeb now getting in a side headlock as Price tries to catch Deeb in a quick roll-up. Deeb with a few big uppercuts followed up by a drop toehold. Deeb locks in a submission into a pin attempt, but Price kicks out. Deeb tries for the Serenity Lock, but Price finds the ropes and knocks Deeb down with a back elbow and a few shots onto Deeb’s forehead. Deeb running the ropes and hits a clothesline. Deeb then hits a series of swinging neckbreakers then a snap suplex. Deeb gets Price on the tope rope and locks in a submission. Rope break leads to Deeb hitting a Neutralizer variation for the win.
Winner: Serena Deeb
Bear Country look for their first win next!
Baron Black & Nick Comoroto vs. Bear Country (Bear Boulder & Bear Bronson)
Baron Black and Bronson start things off as Bronson overpowers Black into the corner. Black uses Bronson’s momentum against him, but Bronson powers out with a back elbow. Black catches Bronson in an abominable stretch. Knees from the flying armbar from Black forces Boulder and Nick Comoroto to tag in. Neither man getting an advantage in a lock up, but Boulder grabs onto the hair as the two exchange big strikes. Comoroto catches Boulder’s crossbody attempt, but Boulder powers out. Black tags in and tries to hit a few chops, but Boulder is unfazed and knocks Black down with a big boot.
Boulder hits a few clubbing clotheslines onto the ropes then a knee lift. Bronson tags in and rakes Blacks’ eyes. Bronson hits some heavy punches in the corner. Black tries to tag in Comoroto and rolls his way into it as Comoroto hits a flurry of strikes holding off Bear Country. Boulder is taken to the outside as Bronson is taken out by a powerslam and a slam onto his knee, cover, but Bronson kicks out. Bear Country gain back control sending Black and Comoroto into the corner. Bronson carries Boulder into cannonball into the corner! Boulder has Bronson over his shoulders and hits an assisted splash for the win.
Winners: Bear Country (Bear Boulder & Bear Bronson)
Tag team main event next!
Top Flight (Darius Martin & Daunte Martin) vs. Chaos Project (Luther & Serpentico)
Chaos Project jump Top Flight before the bell rings as Luther throws Serpentico all over. Top Flight fight back hitting stereo dropkicks on Chaos Project. Match starts as Chaos Project prevent stereo topes. Serpentico and Darius start things off as Chaos Project get to work early on. Luther lifts Serpentico into an assisted leg drop. Chaos Project cutting the ring in half as Luther hits a snap suplex, cover, but Darius kicks out. Serpentico doesn’t want to be thrown around, but Luther drops Serpentico into a back suplex on Darius.
Luther choking out Darius on the middle rope. Serpentico goes to take out Daunte as Darius tries to mount a comeback. Luther throws Serpentico into a fallaway slam onto Darius. Luther has Darius outside of the ring instructing Serpentico to dive. Serpentico does, but Darius evades. Daunte finally tags in and hits some huge elbow strikes. Daunte on fire laying it on Serpentico hitting a springboard uppercut, cover, but Luther breaks up the pin. Luther whips Serpentico into the corner, but Daunte fights off. Daunte vaults off Luther hitting him with a neckbreaker who then DDTs Serpentico, cover, but Serpentico kicks out.
Darius tags in, but Luther throws Serpentico hitting a spear on Darius. Luther knocks out Daunte with a flipping senton. Daunte knocks Luther over the barricade as Top Flight set up Serpentico in the corner for a dropkick on Serpentico’s head for the win.
Winners: Top Flight (Darius Martin & Daunte Martin)
Excalibur hypes up New Year’s Smash Night 2 tomorrow as that concludes this weeks episode of Dark. Thanks for watching with us!
WWE Teases Another Triple H Match, Young Steve Austin Fan On The Bump, Roman Reigns – Adam Pearce
Welcome to Wrestling Inc’s recap of AEW Dark, which airs every Tuesday at 7 PM EST on AEW’s YouTube Channel. Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight’s show in the comments section below. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up to date coverage. Below is what’s on tonight’s agenda:
TONIGHT on #AEWDark, we have a loaded card with sixteen matches featuring new debuts, returning athletes, and much more!?
Watch #AEW Dark every Tuesday at 7e/6c via our Official YouTube Channel ??
? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 5, 2021
Excalibur and Taz welcome us to the first Dark of the new year as they throw it to Justin Roberts and out first match of the night.
Jungle Boy (w/Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt) vs. Nick Comoroto
Jungle Boy and Nick Comoroto both fighting for advantage to start off. Comoroto uses his strength to get Jungle Boy on the top rope. Jungle Boy evades using his speed to maneuver around Comoroto. Comoroto is sent to the outside, and Jungle Boy hits a tope suicida! Comoroto knocks Jungle Boy with a back elbow followed up by throwing Jungle Boy into the second rope, cover, and Jungle Boy manages to kick out. Comoroto taunting Jungle Boy and drops him with a suplex.
.@boy_myth_legend takes on @Mr_Freakbeast in singles action now on Dark!
Watch #AEWDark NOW via our Official YouTube Channel ??
? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Jungle Boy starts fighting back, but Comoroto gets a backbreaker to hold off Jungle Boy’s momentum. Jungle Boy starts getting fired up after a big clothesline. Comoroto catches Jungle Boy, gets off a powerslam, cover, 1-2-no! Comoroto misses a running knee, and Jungle Boy hits a dropkick on that hurt knee. Backflip knees then Jungle Boy locks in the Snare Trap and Comoroto taps out.
Winner: Jungle Boy
Alex Gracia looks to avenge her loss against Nyla Rose next!
Nyla Rose (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. Alex Gracia
‘The Native Beast’ @NylaRoseBeast vs. ‘The Pink Dream’ @alexgracia3 is up now on Dark!
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? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Alex Gracia starts off the match charging in with strikes and knocking Rose down. Rose scoops up Gracia and hits a Samoan Drop. Rose starts to make quick work of Gracia, Beast Bomb and another victory for The Native Beast.
Winner: Nyla Rose
– Post-match: Vickie laughs and mocks Gracia for losing again to Rose. She tells Rose to “show everybody what we do when we spit our gum out.” Rose starts to bring in a table into the ring as Vickie has her foot on Gracia’s head preventing her from retreating. Rose puts Gracia through the table with a powerbomb.
SCU’s Scorpio Sky in action next!
Scorpio Sky vs. Ariel Levy
Up next sees @ScorpioSky vs. @Ariel_Levy in singles action!
Watch #AEWDark NOW via our Official YouTube Channel ??
? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Sky quickly gets the better of Levy matching him hold for hold and strike for strike. Sky drops Levy with a Russian leg-sweep as the ref tries to check on Levy. Levy takes advantage and hits a few punches on Sky. Diving knees, cover but Sky kicks out. Sky and Levy trade strikes. Sky hits a high knee then a flatliner as he sizes up Levy. Levy reverses a suplex and hits a neckbreaker, cover, but Sky kicks out again. Sky drops Levy with a dropkick followed up by a TKO for the win.
Winner: Scorpio Sky
-1 Brodie Lee Jr & @realmarkostunt finally meet.
Watch #AEWDark NOW via our Official YouTube Channel ??
? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
– Marko Stunt comes in with a mic in hand. Negative One (Brodie Lee Jr.) comes out before Stunt gets a word in. Negative One notes that Marko always wins with help from Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus. Negative One says when he gets older, he’s going to be much taller. Stunt is ready to fight, but everyone comes in to break up the fight including Cody Rhodes, Matt Jackson and Tony Khan! Negative One breaks out and runs after Stunt.
Rey Fenix in action next!
Aaron Solow vs. Rey Fenix (w/Penta El Zero Miedo)
Fenix and Solow exchange holds and pins to start off. Fenix wants to show respect to Solow by offering a handshake. Solow obliges, but Fenix was only kidding. Solow doesn’t take too kindly to that and the action starts picking up. Fenix tags Solow with a chop then works his way into an arm drag. Solow slams Fenix down, then hits a double stomp, cover, but Fenix kicks out. Solow keeping the pressure on Fenix. Fenix starts building momentum hitting a kick knocking Solow out of the ring. Fenix with a Gamagiri Kick then a Tiaris. Solow counters with an Olympic Slam, cover, but Fenix kicks out once again.
Before @ReyFenixMx takes on @KennyOmegamanX tomorrow night for the #AEW World Championship. He steps in the ring to face @aaronsolow now on Dark!
Watch #AEWDark NOW via our Official YouTube Channel ??
? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Solow hits a rolling high kick, cover, and Fenix kicks out again. Fenix catches Solow with a boot, then drives him to the second rope. Area code shot followed up by a rolling cutter, cover, 1-2-no! Fenix gets Solow over his shoulder, hits a knee then a Fire Thunder Driver for the win.
Winner: Rey Fenix
Brandon Cutler hopes to continue his winning streak next!
Results Aew Dark Match
Brandon Cutler vs. Louie Valle
Next up on Dark sees @TheLouieValle take on @BranCutler in singles competition.
Watch #AEWDark NOW via our Official YouTube Channel ??
? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Valle tries to start fast, but Cutler evades and hits a springboard elbow followed up by a basement dropkick, cover, but Valle kicks out. Cutler tries for the TPK, but Valle counters and gets Cutler hanging on the second rope. Leaping boot then a second-rope dropkick. Cutler knocks Valle down with a boot. Valle tries for a tope rope move, but Cutler knocks him to the outside. Cutler then slams Valle onto the apron. Valle escapes from a suplex but is unable to get Cutler off the ropes. Cutler stuns Valle with a kick then an over the tope enzuguri. Cutler hits the TPK for the win.
Aew Dark Results 2020
Winner: Brandon Cutler
– Post-match: Cutler sends a message for the late Brodie Lee saying that he’ll be the best father he can be like Brodie was.
Peter Avalon hopes to continue his winning streak into the new year next!
– Before the match, Avalon introduces his opponent for the Pretty Peter Pageant Provocation
Peter Avalon vs. Angel Fashion
Up now on Dark sees @PAvalon vs. @_AngelFashion
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? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Avalon and Fashion feel each other out to start off. Fashion and Avalon go back and forth, until Fashion gets Avalon down with a running knee. Avalon baits Fashion in and gets him on the ropes and knocks Fashion down with a clothesline. Avalon sends Fashion to the outside taking a break in the corner. Avalon hits a suplex as Fashion gets back in the ring. Avalon tries for a second-rope moonsault but misses. Fashion gets a boot to the mid-section then hits a high kick. Fashion with a missile dropkick off the top rope, cover, but Avalon kicks out. Avalon sends Fashion into the corner as Fashion came charging in followed by Marti-knees for the win.
Winner: Peter Avalon
– Post-match: Avalon gifts Fashion with a signed 8 x 10 sealing it with a kiss.
Women’s tag team action coming up!
Diamante & Ivelisse vs. KiLynn King & Tesha Price
King and Price with some pushes before the bell rings. Ivelisse and King start things off as King gets Ivelisse up for a gutbuster. King and Price showing off their teamwork looking for a quick victory, but Ivelisse kicks out. Ivelisse gains back momentum evading a clothesline. Ivelisse tags in Diamante and sends Price into Diamante’s knee. Diamante lands some elbow strikes onto Price as Ivelisse and Diamante wear down Price. Price fights back, but Diamante drops Price with a belly-to-belly, cover, but Price kicks out.
Next up is tag team action as @KiLynnKing & @MsTPrice take on the AEW Women’s Tag Team Cup Winners @DiamanteLAX & @RealIvelisse!
Watch #AEWDark NOW via our Official YouTube Channel ??
? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Price counters Diamante in the corner and catches Diamante in a spinning back elbow. King and Ivelisse tag in as King takes out both Ivelisse and Diamante. King and Price work together again with Price hitting an enzuguri then a German Suplex from King, cover, but Diamante breaks up the pin. Ivelisse catches King in a submission allowing Diamante to tag in. Diamante wrenches King, and King is forced to tap out as Ivelisse holds off Price.
Winners: Diamante & Ivelisse
Gunn Club in six-man tag team action next!
Bear Country (Bear Boulder & Bear Bronson) & Mike Verna vs. Gunn Club (Austin Gunn, Billy & Colten Gunn)
Verna and Austin start things off as Verna trash talks Billy into tagging in. Billy tells Verna to Suck It as Verna tags in Boulder. Boulder catches Billy with a back elbow after the clean break in the corner. Boulder catches Billy and hits a huge powerslam. Verna wants in and tags himself in. Austin tags in and catches Verna with a clothesline. Colten comes in and whips Austin into Verna, and they dunk on Verna. Bronson tags in as he overpowers Colten. Colten shows some fight maneuvering out of the ring, but Verna intercepts allowing Bronson to get in a clothesline.
Up now sees The @Gunn_Club face Mike Verna & Bear Country in 6-man tag team action!
Watch #AEWDark NOW via our Official YouTube Channel ??
? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Bronson prevents Colten from tagging out as Boulder tags in headbutting Colten. Boulder roughs up Colten in the corner. Verna tags in and hits a snap suplex, cover, but Colten quickly kicks out. Bronson tags in and lays into Colten wearing him down with a side headlock. Colten powers out trying to find an opening, but Bronson knocks him down with a back elbow. Verna tries to get a suplex off, but Colten powers out. Verna counters and goes up tope and catches Colten in a powerslam, cover, 1-2-no!
Boulder comes in and tries for a second-rope moonsault, but he misses! Austin and Verna tag in, and Austin is on fire. Boulder runs in and catches Billy, but Colten dropkicks him to assist his dad. Bronson is taken out, and Billy takes out Bouler. Verna catches Austin with a big right hand. Austin counters Verna and catches him in the Quick Draw for win.
Winners: Gunn Club (Austin Gunn, Billy & Colten Gunn)
Shanna in action next!
Shanna vs. Vipress
Up now in singles competition sees @_vipress take on @Shannanjii on Dark!
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? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Shanna and Vipress with a strong lock-up to start, but they work their way into the corner for a break. Shanna catches Vipress in a few arm drags followed up with a dropkick. Shanna looking for the quick win, but Vipress works her way into the ropes and catches Shanna with a back elbow. Vipress with some stomps on Shanna’s back looking to keep the pressure on her. Vipress hits a running boot with Shanna hanging on the ropes, cover, but Shanna kicks out. Vipress with a sleeper attempt, but Shanna powers out and takes down Vipress. Shanna with a flurry of strikes then gets a leaping clothesline off. Vipress hanging on the bottom rope, Shanna hits a dropkick then Angel Wins variation for the win.
Winner: Shanna
Matt Sydal looks to build momentum before his match against Cody next!
Matt Sydal vs. Baron Black
Sydal opens the match telling Black to open his third eye. Black does not care as Sydal and Black lock up. Sydal gets a quick pin, but Black kicks out right away. Sydal working multiple holds on Black and hits a series of arm drags on Black, curcifix pin, but Black kicks out. Sydal drops Black with a Tiaris then a spinning heel kick. Sydal hitting a few kicks on Black then a Russian leg-sweep followed up by a chokehold. Black reaches for the ropes and tries to build separation with a few punches.
Up now sees @TheEmpBruh Baron Black take on Matt Sydal in singles competition!
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? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Black in control, but Sydal counters his way into a leg slice then a standing Mariposa. Black tries for a bow and arrow, but Sydal rolls into a pin. Black kicks out. Sydal gets Black in a Sunset Slip then another submission attempt. Black counters into a pin forcing Sydal to kick out. Black with an Atomic Drop then a Backstabber, cover, 1-2-no! Black hits a few strikes and charges in for a strike, but Sydal surprises Black with a leg lariat. Sydal gets Black up top and gets a super huricanranna off. Sydal hits the Lightning Spiral for the win.
Winner: Matt Sydal
A NWA rematch coming up!
Thunder Rosa vs. Ashley Vox
Aew Ortiz
Vox and Rosa exchange holds as they try to gain control. Rosa hits a huge chop followed up by a series of arm drags then a dropkick, cover, but Vox kicks out. Rosa starts to get series sending Vox into the corner. Vox rolls her way out and work her way into a huricanranna then a dropkick, cover, but Rosa kicks out. Rosa sends Vox throat first into the ropes, then a dropkick, cover, and Vox kicks out. Rosa keeping up the pressure on Vox, hits leg drop, cover but only gets a two count.
Up right now sees the debuting @ashley__vox take on @thunderrosa22 in singles competition!
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? All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Rosa picks up Vox and sends her into both corners and slams her down. Leg scissor submission looking to choke Vox out. Vox catches Rosa’s leg and slams it down. Rosa counters Vox and gets a Tarantula on the ropes. Rosa slams Vox into the corner, runs in but Vox counters as Vox and Rosa exchange strikes. Rosa sends Rosa flying with a boot, but Vox gets a headbutt off followed up by a fish hook then a thrust kick. Vox on the outside, hits a boot then a spinning flatliner, cover, 1-2-no! Rosa rolls under Vox and sweeps her leg and cranks Vox’s spine, cover, but Vox kicks out.
Rosa looking for a Thunder Driver, but Vox slides out. Rosa catches Vox on her shoulders and gets a neckbreaker off, cover, 1-2-no! Rosa gets the Thunder Driver off for the win.
Winner: Thunder Rosa
The Acclaimed in tag action next
– Before the match, Max Caster drops a diss rap on Johnson and Dean. Caster says he’s the captain now and calls Dean “a little b–ch” as Bowens says, “The Acclaimed have arrived!”
Lee Johnson & Shawn Dean vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster)
Bowens and Johnson start things off as Johnson gets the better of Bowens catching him in multiple holds. Johnson continuing to get the better of Bowens matching him move for move. Dean tags in and takes out The Acclaimed even after Caster blind tags in. Dean on fire hitting enzuguri’s on The Acclaimed, a plancha on Bowens then a tope con hiro on Caster. Rough backbreaker, cover but Caster kicks out. Dean in full control, but Caster catches Dean off the top rope and lays it onto Dean.
Up now sees @BigShottyLee & @ShawnDean773 take on The Acclaimed @CasterShow & @Bowens_Official.
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The Acclaimed sweep Dean’s legs then hit a combo move. Bowens keeping the pressure on Dean. Bowens with an Olympic Slam, cover, but Dean kicks out at two. Bowens keeps a knee bar on as Caster tags in with stomps on Dean, cover, but Dean kicks out again at two. Caster trying to keep the pressure on, but Dean slides into a backslide. Caster counters with a dropkick, cover again, but Dean kicks out. Dean catches The Acclaimed with a dropkick / tornado DDT allowing him to tag in Johnson. Johnson building momentum. Johnson hits a Blue Thunder Bomb, cover, but Caster breaks up the pin.
Dean and Caster are taken out. Johnson and Bowens try for quick roll-ups. Caster catches Johnson on the tope rope and hits a suplex. Caster has Johnson hanging for another suplex as Bowens hits a diving crossbody, cover, but Dean breaks up the pin. The Acclaimed take out Dean. The Acclaimed hit a spinning neckbreaker / powerslam combo for the win.
Winners: The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster)
Feugo Del Sol in action next!
Danny Limelight vs. Fuego Del Sol
Quick exchange from both wrestlers as they each try for the quick win. Limelight hits a cheap shot on Del Sol, and Del Sol hits a dropkick to answer back. Del Sol sends Limelight to the outside with a Tiaris. Del Sol goes off the corner to hit a moonsault. Del Sol as an arm bar, but Limelight counters. Limelight with a powerbomb into a backstabber, cover, but Del Sol manages to kick out in time. Limelight pressuring Del Sol’s back. Del Sol hanging on the ropes, and Limelight hits a diving stomp, cover, but Del Sol kicks out at two again.
Del Sol trying to mount a comeback, but Limelight locks in a single-leg crab. Limelight tries for a full Boston Crab, but Del Sol counters and gets a huge huricanranna off. Del Sol with a flurry of strikes, then a straight-jacket neckbreaker, cover, but Limelight kicks out. Limelight catches Del Sol and drops him onto the tope rope. Limelight setting Del Sol up for a Spanish Fly and gets his first win in AEW!
Aew Dark Results 2019
Winner: Danny Limelight
Big four-way matchup next!
Frankie Kazarian (w/Christopher Daniels) vs. Angelico (w/Jack Evans) vs. Griff Garrison (w/Brian Pillman Jr.) vs. Darius Martin (w/Daunte Martin)
Jack Evans talks trash as Kazarian knocks Angelico out with a right hand. Darius takes out Evans as Garrison tries to sneak in a win on Kazarian. Darius and Garrison go at it as Darius is building momentum as Kazarian catches Darian with a chop. Kazarian gets a nothern lights suplex, cover, but Darius kicks out at two. Kazarian in full control, but Garrison catches him with a big boot. Darius up top, but everyone catches each other’s legs, until Angelico comes in. Evans tries for another distraction, but Daunte takes him out.
It’s 4-way action as it’s @officialairwolf vs. @griffgarrison1 vs. @AngelicoAAA vs. @FrankieKazarian right now on Dark!
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Darius and Garrison are going at it as Kazarian tries to get his shots in from the outside, but Darius takes him out. Evans sweeps Darius’s legs as he tries for a dive allowing Angelico to gain control. Garrison and Kazarian are fighting on the outside as Angelico is wearing down Darius. Angelico has Garrison and Darius in submissions, but Kazarian breaks it up with a springboard leg drop. Kazarian takes everyone out building momentum and catches Darius in a cutter, cover, but Garrison breaks up the pin. Garrison hits a high boot and a splash on Angelico then another splash on Darius. Garrison with a flatiner / DDT combo on Angelico and Garrison, cover on Angelico, but he kicks out at two.
A couple of near falls as everyone takes each other out. Evans with another distraction as the tag team partners brawl on the outside. Darius dives onto the outside! Garrison takes out Angelico. Kazarian hits a reverse DDT on Garrison for the win.
Winner: Kazarian
Our co-main event featuring Sammy Guevara next!
Michael Nakazawa vs. Sammy Guevara
Guevara quickly takes down Nakazawa and starts doing push-ups on him as he spins around him. Nakazawa has a hold on Guevara’s nipples, but Guevara catches him with a dropkick sending Nakazawa to the outside. Guevara with a corkscrew tope suicida! Guevara manipulating the count as he continues to wear down Nakazawa on the outside. Guevara on a mean streak laying into Nakazawa, but a ref break distracts Guevara allowing Nakazawa to go for the baby oil.
Up now in singles action sees @MichaelNakazawa vs. #InnerCircle member @sammyguevara on Dark!
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Guevara tries to run in but slips on the baby oil. Nakazawa hits a senton then goes to the top and hits a shoulder tackle, cover, but Guevara kicks out. Guevara catches Nakazawa with a hook kick, but Nakazawa gets an O’Connor Roll, and Guevara barely kicks out. Guevara misses on the springboard, Nakazawa with a spear, voer, 1-2-no! Nakazawa with an Olympic Slam, cover, and Guevara kicks out again. Nakazawa removes his thong, Guevara evades the attack and hits a running knee. Guevara hits GTH for the win.
Winner: Sammy Guevara
– Post-match: Sammy with a mic in hand says he has to sit down “for carrying this whole damn show.” Sammy says, “screw 2020.” He notes that this is a new year, but it’s the same goal for him. He says all he knows is work, and he “doesn’t kiss ass.” He says no one can be him, and there’s no one better. He invites anyone to prove they can be better than him whether it be on Dynamite or Dark. He ends saying, “Sammy Guevara is going to be champion in AEW.”
Main event with featuring Dark Order’s Alan Angels next!
Serpentico (w/Luther) vs. Five (Alan Angels)
Serpentico tries to shoot in, but Angels evades. Serpentico shoots in again, but Angels easily counters and gains control. Angels in full control countering every move Serpentico has for him. Serpentico uses his speed and gets Angels in a Tiaris. He baits Angels into a back elbow, but Angels hits his won rolling elbow. Angels knocks Serpentico with a dropkick sending him to the outside as he pays tribute to Brodie Lee. Serpentico gets some shots in on the outside, but Angels sends Serpentico flying into the barricade. Angels hurts his knee after Serpentico sends him flying over the barricade.
Your main event of the evening sees one half of the #ChaosProject@KingSerpentico vs. #DarkOrder member @Alan_V_Angels in singles action.
-1 Brodie Lee Jr has a very close eye on this match.
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Luther stops Serpentico from going back into the ring as Luther launches Serpentico into Angels as they brawl on Peter Avalon’s bed on the outside. Angels gets Serpentico back into the ring and comes in with a shotgun dropkick, cover, but Serpentico kicks out at two. Angels with a Dark Order pose as he tries to finish the match. Luther distracts Angels allowing Serpentico to hit a thrust kick. Serpentico sends Angels to the outside. Luther with a cheap shot and slams Angels onto the barricade as Serpentico feigns an injury to distract the ref. Serpentico and Angels exchange strikes, but Serpentico gets a diving stomp off, cocky pin allows Angels to kick out at two.
Serpentico has Angels in the corner, but Angels gets a back elbow off as he tries to mount a comeback. Angels with a standing Sliced Bread. Angels catches Serpentico into a powerbomb, cover, 1-2-no! Angels looks to go to the top rope, but Serpentico evades and hits a thrust kick and a spike DDT, cover, but Angels kicks out again! Serpentico goes to the top rope, but Angels get up and hits a high knee then a superplex attempt. Serpentico evades and hits an enzuguri. Serpentico tries for the poisonrana, but Angels lands on his feet and takes out Luther with a tope suicida. Angels with the Wing Snapper for the win.
Winner: Alan Angels
– Post-match: Dark Order, led by -1 come out. Brodie Lee Jr. mocks Luther for his “stupid red ball on his head.” He calls Luther stupid and says “Dark Order will always beat you.”
'You have a stupid ball on your face…your face just looks stupid' – Brodie Jr -1
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 6, 2021
Aew Dark Wrestling
Excalibur hypes up “New Year’s Smash” tomorrow as he signs off. That’ll do it for AEW Dark. Thanks for watching with us!
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